Description: Enterprise zone boundaries are important when creating information packages for economic development prospects. This dataset is useful with other business quality of life or environmental layers to help identify areas available for development that may benefit from certain tax advantages. This dataset is also used to identify sites and buildings available that are in an enterprise zone.
Copyright Text: Virginia Department of Housing and Community Development (Virginia Enterprise Zone program manager), Virginia Economic Development Partnership (Virginia Enterprise Zone spatial data processor and distributor)
Description: The data contained in this shapefile are derived from digital data provided by the Virginia Geographic Information Network (VGIN) and hardcopy maps provided by the Department of Rail and Public Transportation. Rail location has been verified using high resolution Virginia Base Mapping Program (VBMP) aerial photography. The existing digital data are imported into the existing VEDP dataset and then checked against the VBMP aerials. The dataset includes rail lines and points indicating where the rail crosses roads, water, etc and where switches are present. The data is updated on an ongoing basis, as rail updates are submitted by local and regional economic development organizations.